Karan Arjun actress Mamta Kulkarni's emotional video, marking her return to India after 24 years, recently went viral. In the heartfelt clip, she expressed her deep nostalgia and emotions as she landed in Mumbai, reflecting on her long absence. Mamta shared that her journey out of India began in 2000, and after more than two decades, she was finally back home in 2024. With her return, fans are curious about the reasons behind it and whether she is married to Vicky Goswami. In an exclusive interview with News18, Mamta opened up about everything. Read on. ‘Tears in My Eyes’: ‘Karan Arjun’ Actress Mamta Kulkarni Gets Emotional As She Returns to India After 24 Years (Watch Viral Video).

Mamta Kulkarni Says She's 'Single'

When CNN-News18 quizzed Mamta Kulkarni about her marital status and relationship with Vicky Goswami, she revealed she's single. “I am not married to Vicky; he is not my husband. I am still single. I have not married anyone. Vicky and I have had a relationship, but I blocked him four years ago," the actress told the portal.  ‘Karan Arjun’ Star Mamta Kulkarni Returns to Mumbai After 25 Years, Shares Heartfelt Video; Says ‘Back to My Motherland’ (Watch Video).

Mamta Kulkarni's Viral Video

“Vicky is a good man, he has a good heart. Everyone from the film industry used to visit him, so I also went to meet him. But I was also the last person from the film industry to meet Vicky. When I came to know about his truth, I left him. He was in Dubai jail. I started meditating to get him out of jail. Vicky came out of jail in 2012. I met him in 2016. After that, he was arrested again. He is my past now. I have left him," she added.

Mamta Kulkarni Has Returned to India for Kumbh Mela 2025

Mamta Kulkarni clarified that her return to India is not driven by a desire to revive her acting career but to witness the upcoming Kumbh Mela. “I was outside India for 25 years, I was searching for myself. Now, Kumbh Mela is about to happen, so I have come here but I am not going to go back to the film industry. I am happy with my life. Nor have I come to India for Bigg Boss. When I left India in 2000, I was a top actor in the film industry, I had 43 film offers. I left all this and now I don’t want to come back to films," she said.

What's Connection Between Mamta Kulkarni & Vicky Goswami?

Vicky Goswami was imprisoned in Dubai in 1997 for a 10-year sentence on charges of illegal drug trafficking. During his imprisonment, Mamta Kulkarni reportedly visited him frequently, and the two were said to have married while he was in jail. In 2016, Thane Police named Mamta as an accused in a major international drug racket, allegedly involved in trafficking ephedrine for methamphetamine production. Recently, the Bombay HC cancelled the FIR against her, giving her a clean chit.

For the unversed, Mamta Kulkarni rose to fame in the 1990s with hit films like Karan Arjun and Baazi, working alongside stars like Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, and Aamir Khan. However, she withdrew from Bollywood in the early 2000s and moved abroad, choosing to live a life away from the spotlight.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 06, 2024 01:35 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).