In a recent interview with Ranveer Allahbadia on his YouTube channel, Kriti Sanon revealed that she would prefer returning to the sets and focusing on acting rather than spending her days promoting the same film. She recalled a time while preparing to promote Bhediya, when she experienced a breakdown, expressing how exhausting the entire process of film promotions can be. The actor emphasised the draining nature of constant promotional work. Christmas 2024: Kriti Sanon and Rumoured Boyfriend Kabir Bahia Enjoy a Fun-Filled Xmas With ‘Santa Claus’ MS Dhoni Joining the Holiday Fun! (See Pics).
Kriti Sanon Shares Her Struggles With ‘Bhediya’ Promotion, Reveals How Exhaustion Led to a Breakdown
Recalling the moment she had a breakdown, the actor shared, “On the last day of promotions, I was supposed to appear on a reality show. I was getting ready in my vanity van, and during some random conversation, I started crying. I said, ‘I’m very tired; I can’t do this. I’m exhausted.’ Everyone around me froze. Of course, it affects your mental health. Whenever you're doing things that you internally don't make you happy or enjoy doing then you get stress.” She said. Kriti Sanon’s Photo in Ethnic Outfit From Rumoured Boyfriend Kabir Bahia’s Relative’s Wedding Goes Viral!.
"Promotions can be very tiring. I almost had a breakdown when I was promoting Bhediya. That year, I had two or three other releases, so I had already done promotions two or three times before. While promoting Bhediya, we were traveling to different cities back-to-back. We even took a charter at night, jumping cities, sleeping at night, going to another city, doing interviews, and repeating the same things again and again. I wished I could have my answers on a tape recorder. Like, dial 1 for this question and 2 for another. By the end of it, both Varun [Dhawan] and I had memorized each other’s answers," Kriti added.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 29, 2024 06:51 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website