Actor Hrithik Roshan's first cousin Pashmina is all set to make her Bollywood debut, and the superstar had a few encouraging words for the newcomer on Friday. Pashmina is a daughter of music composer Rajesh Roshan, who is Hrithik's uncle. "So proud of you Pashmina.You are an extremely special soul and an extraordinary talent. Your brightness and warmth lights up every room you walk into. Sometimes I wonder where you get that magic, but most times I thank god for giving you to our family," Hrithik wrote. Shah Rukh Khan, Hrithik Roshan and Others Heap Praises on Madhuri Dixit’s Debut Single, Candle (Read Tweets)

Hrithik finds himself lucky to have Pashmina in his life. "We are lucky to have you and I'm sure the world is going to feel the same way about you very soon. It's not because you are the funniest person I know , or because you have an intellect beyond your age, or because you are so good looking , but because of your vulnerability that you allow to radiate without judging it that makes you who you are ! Films or not , you are a STAR! And I love you," he added. Krrish 4: Hrithik Roshan’s Superhero Franchise To Get Back Jaadu?

Check Out Hrithik Roshan's Instagram Post For Cousin Pashmina


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So proud of you Pashmina. You are an extremely special soul and an extraordinary talent. Your brightness and warmth lights up every room you walk into. Sometimes I wonder where you get that magic, but most times I thank god for giving you to our family . We are lucky to have you and I’m sure the world is going to feel the same way about you very soon. It’s not because you are the funniest person I know , or because you have an intellect beyond your age, or because you are so good looking , but because of your vulnerability that you allow to radiate without judging it that makes you who you are ! Films or not , you are a STAR ! And I love you .❤️ . Stay amazing @pashminaroshan

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Pashmina enters films with theatre experience. She had worked in a production of "The Importance Of Being Earnest" by Jeff Goldberg.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 29, 2020 05:15 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website