Karan Johar’s mother, Hiroo Johar, recently faced health concerns that led to her admission to a Mumbai hospital. While the exact reason for her hospitalisation remains undisclosed, sources close to the family have assured that there is no cause for alarm. According to a report shared by India Today Digital, Hiroo Johar has since been discharged and is recovering well at home. Karan Johar’s Mother Hiroo Johar Admitted to Mumbai’s Kokilaben Hospital: Reports.
Hiroo Johar Health Condition
A paparazzo had brought attention to the incident, sharing a post revealing that Karan Johar and renowned designer Manish Malhotra were spotted visiting Hiroo Johar at Mumbai’s Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital. A video shared by the paparazzo on Instagram captured their cars entering the hospital premises on the evening of December 7, accompanied by a caption emphasising the family’s assurance of Hiroo Johar’s stable condition. “A family member assures us there is no cause for alarm. We extend our best wishes for her swift recovery,” the post read.
As of now, Karan Johar has not made any public statement about his mother’s health. Fans and well-wishers, however, continue to send their prayers and support for Hiroo Johar’s speedy recovery.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 09, 2024 01:46 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).