Karan Johar has been under fire in the last couple of days, after he posted his condolences for Sushant Singh Rajput's suicide. Although the departed star didn't share any details of why he took the fatal step, like a suicide note, people are assuming it has to do with nepotism and since Karan Johar is deemed the face of promoting that, he is getting the most abused. It also didn't help the case that Kangana Ranaut released a video that fanned the outrage against him, even though it was mostly serving. Sushant Singh Rajput: Dear Tweeple, Here’s Why Blaming Karan Johar, Alia Bhatt, and the ‘Nepotism Gang’ for His Suicide is WRONG and Insulting to the Actor’s Stardom.
Now with protests being carried out in his name and FIR's filed against him (along with Ekta Kapoor and Salman Khan, for some reason), Karan Johar is going through not such a great time. And if that wasn't enough, his Twitter account is showing something bizarre.
Karan Johar hasn't tweeted anything after his condolence post for Sushant on June 14. If you go and check his Twitter account, you will be surprised to see that the number of accounts he is following is just eight. A couple of websites have already covered this story, wondering if Karan has stopped following his friend circle, in lieu of what's happening around.
Screenshot of Karan Johar's Twitter Profile
If you are on desktop and if you click on his followers, then you see that out of the eight accounts, four are related to Dharma Productions, including its CEO Apoorva Mehta. The four celeb accounts that he is following are Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Akshay Kumar and Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Screenshot of Karan Johar's Twitter Following accounts seen from Desktop
So has Karan Johar unfollowed the rest of the Bollywood ilk in the wake of the nepotism controversy? What's the reason that he chose to follow only Big B, SRK, Akshay and the Prime Minister, and not his proteges like Alia Bhatt, Varun Dhawan, Sidharth Malhotra, along with other popular stars in the industry?
Here comes another twist in the tale. If you check his Twitter profile on your android phone, you will find another story there. While the followers' numbers are still showing eight, most of the 'missing' celeb accounts can be seen there, like Ranveer Singh, Anushka Sharma, Deepika Padukone, Sachin Tendulkar, Riteish Deshmukh and others, including media publications and trade analysts and critics. Varun Dhawan's Twitter account is also been seeing followed, but we missed Sidharth and Alia's.
See a few of the screenshots taken of his Twitter profile from phone app below -
Screenshot from karan's Twitter Profile Through Phone
Another One...
Screenshot from Karan's Twitter Profile Through Phone
Another List...
Screenshot from karan's Twitter Profile Through Phone
Another One...
Screenshot from Karan's Twitter Profile Through Phone
Another List...
Screenshot from Karan's Twitter Profile Through Phone
Adding one more...
Screenshot from Karan's Twitter Profile Through Phone
So what's up here? Most probably it look like a glitch from Twitter's side that show the reduced numbers and the inconsistency in the followers. Instead of the filmmaker choosing to unfollow these accounts himself.
Returning to the director's history with Sushant, Karan Johar and the actor have worked together in Drive, in which the latter starred and the former had served as producer. Drive was unceremoniously dumped on Netflix last year, and the product was a clear mess. There are reports that claim Sushant was unhappy with Karan over what happened to the film, and they were not on talking terms. Sushant Singh Rajput's Drive, Produced By Karan Johar, Returns to Top 10 List on Netflix India After The Actor's Demise.
When Sushant passed away, Karan had posted a long message grieving the actor's demise on his Insta timeline. A part of which read, "I blame myself for not being in touch with you for the past year..... I have felt at times like you may have needed people to share your life with...but somehow I never followed up on that feeling...will never make that mistake again." This part made many on social media pass the blame of Sushant's death on Karan and his 'nepotism' gang, even though there was no discernible evidence about it.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 17, 2020 10:02 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).