Filmmaker Hansal Mehta has come out in support of Mahesh Bhatt, saying that he will be watching Sadak 2. "I will be watching #Sadak2 tonight. Bhatt saab has been a mentor even before I met him. Saraansh and Arth are among the main reasons I chose to become a director," he tweeted. On August 16, it was reported that "Sadak 2" trailer was the third most disliked video in the world and the most disliked YouTube video in India. Sadak 2: Jisshu Sengupta Shares Experience of Working with Sanjay Dutt in Mahesh Bhatt Directorial
Released on August 12, the trailer of "Sadak 2" was trolled by many netizens as it was seen by people as a shining example of Bollywood nepotism -- a topic which became the talk of the town after actor Sushant Singh Rajput's death on June 14. Bhatt's movie stars his daughters Pooja and Alia Bhatt along with Sanjay Dutt and Aditya Roy Kapur, youngest brother of producer Siddharth Roy Kapur. Fact Check: This Video of Mahesh Bhatt Losing His Cool and Lashing Out Is Not From Sadak 2 Event, Here’s The Truth Behind This Viral Video on Twitter
Read Hansal Mehta's Tweet Below
I will be watching #Sadak2 tonight. Bhatt saab has been a mentor even before I met him. Saraansh and Arth are among the main reasons I chose to become a director.
— Hansal Mehta (@mehtahansal) August 28, 2020
In July, the Nepometer, an app created by Sushant's family, had rated "Sadak 2" as 98 per cent nepotistic. Fans of the late Bollywood actor have been actively campaigning on social media for the past few weeks urging everyone to boycott "Sadak 2".
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 28, 2020 04:49 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website