Guess what? Pankaj Nihalani is making a film on Vijay Mallya and it's titled Rangeela Raja. Govinda will be playing the role of Vijay Mallya in the film. Last week, Nihalani shot a song-and-dance sequence with Govinda choreographed by Chinni Prakash where the Mallya card was played up, reports timesnow. "Not the Mallya card, the Mallya calendar. The entire look, feel, appearance and rhythm of the song sequence is based on the Kingfisher calendars. As for Govinda playing who you say he is playing, let's just keep the suspense going. I am neither denying nor admitting it," Nihalani said.

"A lot of people asked me who Govinda is playing. All I can say at this point of time is that Govinda plays a man who is the biggest scamster of our times. Need I say more?"

Rangeela Raja will bring together Nihalani and Govinda after 35 years. "It felt just like old times when we shot together for his debut film Ilzaam. Govinda is fitter now than he has ever been. And Chinni Prakash who has done many of Govinda's dances in my films gave Govinda steps this time that only Govinda can do. No concession for age. And Govinda wasn't looking for easier steps," said Nihalani in an interview with IANS.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 29, 2018 03:27 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website