Filmmaker Gitanjali Rao's animated feature Bombay Rose won two prestigious awards at the 21st Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival With Star. Nominated in the prestigious ‘India Gold' section, Bombay Rose won the ‘India Gold Silver Gateway Award'and the Manish Acharya Award for New Voices in Indian Cinema'. The awards were announced at the festival's closing ceremony on Thursday. Jio MAMI Film Festival 2019: Deepika Padukone, Taapsee Pannu, Rakul Preet Singh Grace the Red Carpet at the Closing Ceremony (View Pics)

"Bombay Rose" is the story of a flower seller who has to choose between protecting her family and allowing herself to fall in love. The story is set on the streets of Mumbai (Bombay) and moves from real life to fantasy, accompanied by much-loved Bollywood songs. It is a chronicle of people who migrate from small towns, seeking minimal life in the maximum city. MAMI 2019: Deepti Naval Honoured with Excellence in Cinema Award at the Opening Ceremony.

On bagging the awards, Gitanjali said: "The MAMI awards for 'Bombay Rose' complete what has been the most incredible homecoming for me and the film. I am delighted, for the team, for everyone who contributed in making my Bombay dreams come true. Thank you!"

The film had its World Premiere at Venice International Film Festival. Later, it was screened at Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). It also had its premiere at Busan International Film Festival in October.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 25, 2019 04:00 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website