Mika Singh was recently involved in a row after he attended a show in Pakistan, amid the ongoing Indo-Pak tension. He performed in Karachi, at the wedding festivities of former President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf's daughter's billionaire cousin. Post this, All India Cine Workers Association (AICWA) and the Federation of Western India Cine Employees (FWICE) banned him in Bollywood. Now, it turns out that these film bodies have threatened to ban anyone and everyone who works with the singer, including Salman Khan. Mika Singh Banned by All India Cine Workers Association after He Performs for Pervez Musharraf’s Relative in Karachi.
Mika was supposed to be a part of a six-city musical tour named Up, Close and Personal With Salman Khan, starting next week. Mika is scheduled to attend gig arranged in Houston city. However, a team member clarified that Mika and Salman will not share the stage at the event. "Salman will have nothing to do with Mika at the event. They will not even interact on stage," he told a leading daily.
However, Ashok Dubey, the general secretary at FWICE is adamant about the ban and stated that no Bollywood artist will be spared irrespective of their stardom. He was quoted saying, "If we impose a ban, it means all our technicians — including actors, directors, and even spot boys — will not work with Mika. If someone works with Mika during this ban, say Salman or anyone else, then he too will be banned. Whether it's an organiser from the US or any other country, we cannot stop anybody from conducting an event. Our policy is simple, we will not work with the person who has been banned." Well, we wonder if Salman Khan's decision to work with Mika is affected after this.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 20, 2019 12:16 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).