Kangana Ranaut is certainly not the only Bollywood celeb who came on BMC's radar. Many powerful names like Shah Rukh Khan, Anil Kapoor and Kapil Sharma have earlier faced similar 'demolition' activities by the civic body and they were criticised every time. As per BMC, Kangana Ranaut's office had many illegal portions and the same has been demolished by their officials. With the High Court's stay order in place now, the demolition activity has been stopped but that prompted us to go back in time and draft a list of celebs who faced such similar instances in the past. 'Main Postman Hoon' Viral Video from Outside Kangana Ranaut's Office Has Netizens in Splits After Media Was Seen Hurling a Postman with Questions About the BMC Demolition (View Tweets).
A detailed look at some celebrity names who were served legal notices for their illegal constructions by BMC.
Shah Rukh Khan
SRK was asked to remove the concrete ramp built on the road adjacent to Mannat in 2015. Later in 2017 the BMC officials also demolished the illegal canteen at his Red Chillies office.
Kapil Sharma
In 2014, Kapil Sharma made headlines when BMC noticed an illegal construction at his Goregaon residence. The comedian later took the matter to the court and we haven't heard any update on this case since 2017.
Anil Kapoor
Anil's Kapoor's production house office too was served a legal notice by BMC for flouting some of its construction rules. When the actor or his company didn't pay any heed to any of their issued notices, BMC officials were compelled to demolish those illegal cabins and partitions.
Arjun Kapoor
In 2017, BMC demolished Arjun Kapoor's makeshift gym on the terrace of his Juhu building. The actor was served with legal notice in March and the construction was finally demolished in December.
Shatrughan Sinha
When the veteran actor turned politician redesigned his bungalow, concerns were raised about his illegal construction. The actor had reconstructed his bungalow to construct an eight-storey building but BMC eventually demolished all his illegal construction in 2018.
So yes, Kangana Ranaut is certainly not the first Bollywood celeb to lock horns with BMC and she definitely won't be the last.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 10, 2020 10:47 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).