As the entire world dedicates the first Sunday on August to their beloved friends, our B-town celebs are no less when it comes to the bond of friendship. On Friendship Day, scores of Bollywood celebrities recalled fond memories with their friends on social media to mark the occasion. Posting a collage of pictures with her friends on Instagram, actor Kajol Devgn extended friendship day wishes in an appreciation post. The collage shared by the 'Dilwale' actor featured pictures with her close friends from the industry--Shah Rukh Khan and filmmaker Karan Johar. It also comprised of a picture with her sister Tanisha Mukerjee and her friend Madhura Samarth and Mayuri Garware along with others. Friendship Day 2020: Ranveer – Arjun, Priyanka – Anusha, Alia – Akansha, Sonam – Jacqueline, Kareena – Amrita, Say Hello to the Stylish Celebrity BFFs of Bollywood!
Along with the picture, the actor noted, "Couldn't fit all my friends in one frame. So loved am I. I am truly blessed. To all my friends who can be seen and can't. Of my blood and not...#HappyFriendshipDay." Senior actor Paresh Rawal too wished his fans a very happy friendship day in his own unique style. The 'Bhagam Bhag' actor shared a picture on Twitter where one of the epic characters essayed by Rawal 'Babu Rao' from 'Hera Pheri.' The picture read, " Arey sabko Happy Friendship Day Rey Baba." Reminiscing her long conversations with best friend Akanksha Malhotra, actor Shilpa Shetty Kundra penned a detailed note as she extended friendship day wishes. Friendship Day 2020: From Aamir-Kajol in Ishq to Amitabh-Swini in Cheeni Kum, 6 Most Unlikely Takes on Dosti in Bollywood Films
The 'Dhadkan' actor shared a video performing yoga with her best friend on the roof. Along with the video, Shetty noted, "There's always that one person who knows and accepts you for who you are... unconditionally! That's you, @akankshamalhotra. Thank you for indulging all my madness, miss my trips to Delhi... our looong conversations, you overfeeding me, working on our 'Ikigai', our passion for Yoga & fitness ...and the unconditional love... is enough motivation for every day, to last me a lifetime." Talking about the yoga pose in the video, the 'Life in a metro' star added, "How symbolic is it! Just like these variations of Virbhadrasana help bring in focus, balance, and stability; you do the same when I need you to.
Here's How B-Town Celebs Celebrated Friendship Day 2020
Shilpa Shetty
Shraddha Kapoor
Happy friendship day!!! 🌻💜
— Shraddha (@ShraddhaKapoor) August 2, 2020
Paresh Rawal
— Paresh Rawal (@SirPareshRawal) August 2, 2020
Bipasha Basu
On Friendship's Day... or not... I DON'T celebrate the day... I celebrate YOU . because 'Sunday ho ya Monday, dosti ke hain simple se funde'.Love you my bestie." Sharing a cute collage of pictures with her husband and best friend Karan Singh Grover on Instagram, Bipasha Basu extended greetings on the occasion of Friendship Day. She noted, "Sunday morning scruffy cuddles with your best friend is the besttt everrrrrrr. Happy friendship day to my bestest friend @iamksgofficial. Love you .#monkeylove" as she shared pictures cuddling with her loving husband. Shraddha Kapoor posted a tweet to mark the occasion. She wrote, "Happy friendship day!!! " (along with sunflower and heart emoji).