Manoj Bajpayee recently opened up about his bond with his Sonchiriya co-star and fellow Bihari actor Sushant Singh Rajput, who passed away by suicide in 2020 at the age of 34. In a recent interview, Bajpayee revealed that Sushant Singh's tragic passing had left him deeply affected for over three months. Speaking about Sushant's death, Bajpayee said, "It felt like a personal loss." The actor also revealed that he used to often tell SSR to have thick skin in the film industry. Sushant Singh Rajput Death Case: Supreme Court Junks Plea Against Quashing of Look out Circular Issued to Ex-House Help of Late Star.

Manoj Bajpayee on Sushant Singh Rajput

During a recent interview with Mid-day, Manoj Bajpayee said, "Nobody knows what happened to him. All of us are just assuming and guessing things. I have worked with him, and I can say that he wasn't a mad guy. He was fairly well-versed in too many things. A voracious reader, I found him reading all the time both on and off the set." Speaking about SSR's behaviour, Bajpayee said, "He was a moody guy, and so am I. The sets of Sonchiriya had me, Ashutosh Rana, Ranvir Shorey and Sushant. We all had our off days. Just before the pandemic, when I had gone out, he had called me and said, 'Manoj bhai, I really crave the mutton you made, so next time you cook, please invite me over."

Manoj Bajpayee Discusses About Sushant Singh Rajput

Manoj Bajpayee’s Advice to Sushant Singh Rajput on Surviving Bollywood

Manoj Bajpayee also revealed that the two would also talk about the industry and how it functioned. He said, "As far as industry is concerned, we used to have chats about it and the politics inside. I always told him to keep a thick skin. I  had it. I see so many other friends of mine who didn't have it. I always had a thick skin." ‘Kedarnath’ Turns 6: Sara Ali Khan Celebrates Her Debut Film Co-Starring Sushant Singh Rajput With Special Post, Pens ‘Thank You for Making Me Me’.

Sushant Singh Rajput made his Bollywood debut in 2013 with the film Kai Po Che! alongside Rajkummar Rao, Amit Sadh, and Amrita Puri. He later featured in some popular films like PK (2014), MS Dhoni (2016), Raabta (2017), Kedarnath (2018) to list a few.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 08, 2025 10:29 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website