India has gone under an extended period of lockdown until May 3, 2020, a move that was very necessary to keep the spread of COVID-19 under check. With cases crossing the 11K mark, India has reached the community transmission stage where irrespective of an individual's travel history, he/she gets infected and does not know how or by whom. And a similar case has come forth at jewellery-designer Farah Khan Ali's house. An in-house staff member of Farah's house tested positive for Coronavirus one day ago. Coronavirus Cases Spike by 1,076 in India in Past 24 Hours, Toll Crosses 11,400, Death Count 377.

However, the house member was moved immediately to a quarantine facility and Farah also got everyone else in the house tested for the virus. Farah also revealed that she and everyone at her house were going into quarantine mode.

Check Out Farah Khan Ali's Tweet Below:

Farah also made it a point to highlight and thank the BMC and its doctors for their immediate action, in taking her staff member to the hospital and also for treating him with dignity. Sussanne Khan Moves In With Hrithik Roshan For Their Kids During 21 Days Lockdown

Check Out Her Tweet Below:

Farah's interior designer sister Sussane Khan was recently in the news for having moved in with her ex-husband, actor Hrithik Roshan to stay close to their children during the lockdown period, in order to make co-parenting easier. We sincerely hope Farah and her household tide through the situation safely.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 15, 2020 10:46 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website