Pictures of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan and his son Aryan Khan from Mecca and Medina have recently gone viral on social media, captivating fans worldwide. In the viral images, Shah Rukh and Aryan are seen in the sacred city of Mecca, with Shah Rukh in Ahram near the Kaaba. Shared by an Aryan Khan fan page, the pictures show the father and son duo in various outfits, often in the tranquil surroundings of Medina and the Kaaba’s courtyard.  But these images which went viral are true or AI-generated? Well, we did some fact-checking and came up to a conclusion. Check it out here. Fact Check: Is 'Shah Rukh Khan' Asking Money for Diesel By Sending His Selfie? Don't Fall For This Fake Viral Message.

These heartwarming images have quickly become the centre of attention, drawing admiration from fans who are thrilled to see this personal moment shared by the family. But are they real?

Shah Rukh Khan and Aryan Khan

Viral Images of Shah Rukh Khan and Aryan Khan: Fact vs Fiction

Recently, pictures of Shah Rukh Khan and his son Aryan Khan in Mecca and Medina went viral, with many social media users believing them to be real. However, the truth is that these images are not genuine but the result of artificial intelligence (AI). The pictures were created using AI and shared by a fan page, which clarified in the caption that the images were not meant to mislead anyone. The fan page explicitly stated, "I didn’t create these images with any particular intention" and requested people not to interpret the pictures in any other way.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 29, 2024 08:58 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website