A video from F1 race in Abu Dhabi has gone viral on social media, featuring Ranveer Singh and Martin Brundle. The former racing driver and commentator pulled in the Bollywood actor for a short bite on camera and that’s when he admitted had forgotten who Ranveer was. When Martin greeted the actor, he responded saying, “On top of the world. I can feel the exhilaration and the adrenaline.” To this Martin confessed, “I have momentarily forgotten who you are. Can you tell me please?” He humbly replied saying, “I’m a Bollywood actor, Sir. I hail from Mumbai, India. I’m an entertainer.” Ranveer Singh Pauses His Speech to Hug a Moroccan Female Fan at Marrakech Fest 2022 (Watch Video).
Ranveer Singh With Martin Brundle
Treat every Bollywood person like this
(Who are you?)pic.twitter.com/x2hHFaTlzH
— SarcasmHit (@SarcasmHit) November 21, 2022
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