Actress Esha Gupta seemed to have undergone an unfortunate incident recently after her car was banged by a stranger in Bandra on Wednesday, August 21. The actress sought help from Mumbai Police on Twitter as she shared a picture of the car that was responsible for the damage. Sharing the picture Esha explained the incident in her tweet mentioning that it happened outside Lilavati hospital in Bandra, Mumbai. Esha Gupta Names and Shames Hotelier, Says ‘This Guy Was Literally Raping Me with His Eyes’ – See Posts.

In her tweet, Esha wrote, "Need help, this car banged my car badly today outside Lilavati hospital @MumbaiPolice please help." Mumbai Police who are known for their prompt responses on Twitter immediately responded to the actress saying they have taken cognizance of this matter and asked her to share further information by providing her contact details.

Check out Esha Gupta's tweet to Mumbai Police here:

Here's Mumbai Police's response to her tweet:

The actress later also thanked Mumbai Police for their prompt response and coming to her help immediately. It was a big day for Esha today considering she made a super glamorous appearance as the showstopper for Indian designer Pallavi Mohan at Lakme Fashion Week 2019. The actress looked gorgeous in a silver-grey ensemble as she walked the ramp. Esha Gupta Reveals Her Twitter Account Was Hacked After Fans Troll Her For Posting Republic Day Wishes.

On the work front, Esha was last seen in Ashok Nanda's One Day: Justice Delivered alongside Anupam Kher is now reported to have bagged a role in the third instalment of the Hera Pheri.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 21, 2019 10:46 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website