Bollywood star Deepika Padukone on Friday appeared at singer Diljit Dosanjh's concert in Bengaluru, a few months after the birth of her daughter Dua. In a video posted on the Instagram handle of Diljit's team, Deepika can be seen grooving as the singer performs live on the stage. "@diljitdosanjh X @deepikapadukone #Bangalore." Dressed in a white sweatshirt and jeans, Deepika looked extremely happy. Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh Sixth Wedding Anniversary: Actress' Wish For Hubby Is Too Cute To Be Missed (See Post).

Notably, this marks Deepika's first public appearance after having a baby. On Diwali, Deepika and Ranveer introduced their daughter to the world, revealing her name 'Dua Padukone Singh' with a meaningful message. The couple wrote, "Dua: meaning a prayer. Because she is the answer to our prayers. Our hearts are filled with love & gratitude."The couple, who tied the knot in 2018, welcomed their first child, a daughter, on September 8, 2024.

Deepika and Ranveer announced the birth of their baby with a heartfelt post, expressing their gratitude and excitement as they embraced the joys of parenthood. As for their work front, the pair was last seen together on-screen in Rohit Shetty's cop drama, 'Singham Again', where Deepika plays the fierce Shakti Shetty, aka Lady Singham .The film also stars a powerhouse ensemble including Kareena Kapoor Khan, Arjun Kapoor, Ajay Devgn, Tiger Shroff, and Akshay Kumar. Speaking of Diljit, he has been creating waves across the globe with his Dil-Luminati Tour. PV Sindhu Wedding: Will Deepika Padukone Be in the Bollywood Guest List of Badminton Icon’s Wedding Celebrations?.

Deepika Padukone At Diljit Dosanjh's Concert 


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Last month, Diljit gave an electrifying performance in Kolkata

While his concert thrilled the audience, it was his speech referencing Kolkata's love for cricket and Shah Rukh Khan's Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) team that stole the show. Diljit shared a video from the concert on his Instagram, where he praised KKR's iconic tagline, "Korbo Lorbo Jeetbo Re," calling it a powerful mantra for hard work and teamwork. It's such a lovely slogan, and especially since it's Shahrukh Khan Sir's team, it's bound to be great. I am a huge fan of him. This slogan also carries a wonderful message--work hard and fight alongside your team. And no matter where you are, it's our duty to give 100 per cent. So, if you give 199 per cent effort, victory will have no other option but to come to you.)," he said during the performance.