Actress-filmmaker Divya Khosla Kumar has bought a team in the Tennis Premier League (TPL). The Yaariyan director has partnered with businessman Sneh Patel to co-own the Delhi Binny's Brigade in TPL. "I'm happy to venture into Tennis Premier League. I try to involve myself in initiatives that are for the larger good. TPL is not only promoting and encouraging tennis as a sport but is also giving a boost to all our talented wheelchair players which I think is a great thing to do," said Divya, who was born and raised in Delhi. Satyameva Jayate 2: Divya Khosla Kumar Is Excited to Play the Female Lead Opposite John Abraham.
On the film front, she will be seen in the John Abraham-starrer Satyameva Jayate 2. Will she be able to take out time from her filming schedule? "I will be there for my team in every possible way so that victory is ours in this season. I am super excited too to catch all the matches," she said. Satyamev Jayate 2 Posters: John Abraham and Divya Khosla Kumar Show Their Patriotism By Proudly Flaunting the Tricolour (See Pics)
Patel is ecstatic that Divya is on board. He said: "At the player auction we have managed to get some top players like Ankita Raina and Saketh Myneni to play for our team. With a mentor like Aditya Sachdeva and a co-owner like Divya, I'm sure Delhi Binny's Brigade now has a good chance to win." The league, which is in its second season, is founded by Kunal Thakkur and Mrunal Jain. The second season will be held in December at the Celebration Sports Club.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 06, 2019 03:28 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website