Shah Rukh Khan recently made waves by attending a private wedding in Delhi, where he stole the spotlight with a heartwarming performance. Videos and photos from the event went viral, showing SRK dancing onstage with the bride and reciting an iconic poem from Jab Tak Hai Jaan. In a special moment, the bride's makeup artist, Amrit Kaur, shared a clip expressing her gratitude to King Khan for his thoughtful compliment to the bride, Harshita, praising her beauty on her special day. 'Jab Tak Hai Parathe Aur Naan': Shah Rukh Khan Impresses Crowd With His Hilarious Twist to His Iconic Poem from 'Jab Tak Hai Jaan' at Private Wedding in Delhi (Watch Video).
How Much Did SRK Charge to Perform at the Wedding?
The bride’s makeup artist shared a clip from the wedding and wrote, “@iamsrk You made my day, with the way you complimented my bride, Harshita on the way she looked, on her most special day! My hard work payed off ! For the day." Reacting to the post, one user asked, “Kitne liye honge performance k liye (How much did he charge for the performance)?” Amrit responded, “@puresoul0654, he is a family friend.” Shah Rukh Khan Wins Hearts With Electrifying ‘Jhoome Jo Pathaan’ Dance Moves at Delhi Event (Watch Video).
Bride's MUA Shares Video From Wedding With Sweet Caption
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Makeup Artist Amrit Kaur Sets the Record Straight
At the wedding in Delhi, Shah Rukh Khan opted for a stylish all-black ensemble that suited the occasion perfectly. He captivated the crowd with his wit and charm throughout the event. On the work front, SRK has lent his voice to Mustafa in the Hindi version of Disney’s Mufasa: The Lion King, which is set to release in Indian theatres on December 20. Additionally, he is working on King, a thriller directed by Sujoy Ghosh, which also stars his daughter, Suhana Khan.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 08, 2024 04:13 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website