Before Despatch premiered on Zee5 on December 13, the movie's lead star, Manoj Bajpayee had posted this through his X account, "#Despatch, premiering tonight at 12:00 AM (midnight) on @ZEE5India, is a gripping investigative crime thriller that delves into complex and mature themes. Please be advised that the film contains explicit content and is intended for viewers aged 18 and above. Viewer discretion is advised." He is not wrong. Despatch, directed by Kanu Behl, is a very bold movie, with the National Award-winning actor doing some very risque sex scenes, even going nude in three scenes! ‘Despatch’ Movie Review: Manoj Bajpayee Sheds His Inhibitions in Kanu Behl’s Crime-Drama That Refuses To Shake Its Sluggishness.
The first time Manoj Bajpayee bares his naked rear is a very short moment where he pulls up his pants after breaking away from an act of lovemaking with his wife, played by Shahana Goswami. Bajpayee and Arrchita Agarwaal also go nude in a shower lovemaking scene, though their private parts are tactfully hidden. However, Bajpayee bares his naked back again in the next scene, where he rushes out to call someone on the phone on the balcony without any clothes.
The actor also performed some bold sex and kissing scenes with his three female co-stars in the movie - Shahana Goswami, Arrchita Agarwaal and Rii Sen. NSFW Alert! Varun Dhawan Goes Nude in ‘Citadel Honey Bunny’; From Ranbir Kapoor to Vikrant Massey, 9 Bollywood Male Stars Who Also Went Buck Naked on Screen.
Manon Bajpayee's Post About 'Despatch' on X
#Despatch, premiering tonight at 12:00 AM (midnight) on @ZEE5India, is a gripping investigative crime thriller that delves into complex and mature themes. Please be advised that the film contains explicit content and is intended for viewers aged 18 and above. Viewer discretion is…
— manoj bajpayee (@BajpayeeManoj) December 12, 2024
Watch the Trailer of 'Despatch':
Earlier this year, Varun Dhawan also showed his bare backside in Citadel: Honey Bunny. Some other mainstream Bollywood male stars who had no inhibitions about going nude include Ranveer Singh (Befikre), Aamir Khan (PK), Vikrant Massey (Criminal Justice), Ranbir Kapoor (Saawariya), etc.
Despatch is a crime drama inspired by the 2G and IPL scandals that rocked the country in the early part of the previous decade. It follows a journalist who unearths the scandal but the heavy cost of his own safety.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 13, 2024 10:30 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website