Deepika Padukone is all set to tie the knot with her actor, boyfriend, Ranveer Singh. The couple is going steady for the last six years and their relationship should motivate others to fall in love. The actress has always maintained that she's a family girl and likes to be herself when she's with them. She loves to bake and is a homemaker. Her father Prakash Padukone even insists that she has no aura around her and sometimes their relatives have to remind them of her star status. Coming from a humble, non-filmy background, it was initially difficult for her family to adjust with her profession. In his interaction with India Today, father Prakash Padukone reveals how they found it difficult to read about her link-up stories. Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh's Wedding to Take Place in a 17-Century-Old Vintage Villa in Italy?

In his new conversation, Prakash Padukone revealed it bothered him to read gossips about his daughter's love life in newspapers. He said, “Initially, we found it difficult. But nowadays, we're used to it. Some of it - what is being reported is true, but some of it is absolutely not correct. But it is a part and parcel of... you can't have only good things. One has to accept it." Deepika Padukone-Ranveer Singh Wedding: The Bajirao Mastani Couple Will Not Have a Long Honeymoon, Here’s Why.

The ace badminton star is proud to be known as Deepika Padukone's father. “It's a moment of pride for any parent when their child has achieved so much," he said. Deepika, whose world revolves around her family wants to have an amazing relationship with Ranveer just like her parents had. She believed they shared a great relationship and were able to balance their personal and professional lives. She would like to ape them. And we would wish her the same.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 28, 2018 10:17 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website