After being at the top of the pecking order in Bollywood for all these years, Deepika is all set to take over the reins of the Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival. At a recent board meeting, Deepika was unanimously voted to become the next chairperson and will be seen replacing Kiron Rao, a report in Mumbai Mirror read. It also mentioned that Deepika’s contribution to the film industry, her connection and involvement with her fans worldwide, and her other initiatives (especially her fight with mental health and her efforts to create awareness about the situation), were additions to the board’s decision to rope in Deepika as the new chairperson. Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone Celebrate Padmaavat Anniversary While Shahid Kapoor Royally Snubs It
A few days back, Deepika joined as one of the jury members and film critic Anupama Chopra shared a picture with Deepika, Kiran Rao, Siddharth Roy Kapur, Vishal Bhardwaj, Kabir Khan, Zoya Akhtar and a few others on Instagram, sharing the news.
On her new journey, an elated Deepika said, “It’s an absolute honour and a huge responsibility. I believe in MAMI’s vision and we are committed to creating a community that cinema lovers and creators of a film-passionate nation like ours truly deserve.” Deepika Padukone Joins Zoya Akhtar and Kiran Rao To Become a Jury Member at 21st MAMI Film Festival.
Filmmaker and ex-chairperson Kiran Rao was quoted as saying, “It has been my privilege and pleasure to work as part of the core team of MAMI, and after four years as Chairperson of the Academy, I am delighted to welcome one of India’s most-loved film stars, Deepika Padukone as the new Chairperson. Deepika has been a supporter of the festival and part of our Board of Trustees and is a person whose ethos and work I greatly admire. I am sure that under her leadership the Academy will become stronger and more robust in serving the cinema community. I look forward to supporting her in this journey and wish her all the very best.”
"Thrilled" at Deepika’s appointment as the chairperson, Isha Ambani, who is at the Board of Trustees told the paper, “Her stellar achievements speak for themselves and at Jio we’re confident that she will lend her brilliance to the Jio MAMI platform to continue taking the festival to newer heights.”
While the 20th edition of the film festival was a huge success with the choicest of films being screened and applauded by movie lovers, the 21st edition is expected to be bigger, better and brighter. Film lovers and critics can save the dates for the festival, which will happen from October 17-24, 2019.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 30, 2019 11:29 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website