Deepika Padukone's Instagram account has always been very cryptic. We mean, we have a tough time deciphering what she actually means when she posts just a photo of flowers or plants or a childhood photo of herself where she captions it as the title of her next movie. We're talking about Deepika's latest post on Instagram where the actress has shared a throwback pic of herself holding a bag full of food. While it goes without saying that she looks beyond cute int this pic, we wonder what it has got to do with her upcoming next, Chhapaak. "Back to school.. #Chhapaak," reads her caption. Deepika Padukone Shares Poster of Her New Movie ‘Chhapaak’ and Hubby Ranveer Singh Has the Most Adorable Reaction to It.

We wonder if she means that she starts prepping for Chhapaak today? Well, that's all we can understand from this caption! But if reports are to be believed, the diva will start working on the project only in March. Deepika, if you're reading this, please give us a better clue about what you're trying to tell us with this photo. Also, if you're actually starting to work on the movie, fans definitely deserve an official announcement! Deepika Padukone Calls Chhapaak ‘A Story of Trauma and Triumph’ – Read Tweet.

Check out the pic here-


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back to school...🎒 #Chhapaak

A post shared by Deepika Padukone (@deepikapadukone) on

What connection does this Deepika Padukone’s childhood pic have with her film Chhapaak? If you're assuming that it could also be the 10 year challenge that's gripped the social media, let us tell you that people are actually sharing collages of their old and new selves on Instagram. So, it's not like the leggy lass is attempting to participate in the challenge! All that we can think of is that she goes back to doing what she does best - acting, today. As for the pic, she looks as cute as a button! Don't you guys think so too? What are your thoughts on this pic? Let us know in the comments section below.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 17, 2019 01:10 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website