It was in October when Deepika Padukone confirmed that she would be playing the central character in Draupadi. Deepika is not only playing the titular role, but she has also turned the producer of this film along with Madhu Mantena. She had stated, “I’m absolutely thrilled and honoured to be essaying the role of Draupadi. I truly believe that it is the role of a lifetime. While the 'Mahabharat' is popularly known for its mythological tales and cultural influence, many of life's lessons are also derived from the 'Mahabharat' but most often from its men. Telling it with this fresh and new perspective will not only be interesting but also very significant,” Deepika said. Deepika Padukone to Bring Alive Draupadi From 'Mahabharat' on Big Screen.
Soon after Deepika Padukone confirmed about being a part of this project, which would be made in a series, rumours started doing rounds that Hrithik Roshan would be considered to play the role of Lord Krishna. In fact seeing Hrithik and Deepika together at a party and the latter praising the actor on social for his performance, just made fans to curious to know what is happening. Then a source had revealed to a leading daily that since Madhu Mantena and Hrithik are good friends, the former has approached the superstar for playing Lord Krishna in Draupadi. However, Hrtihik has remained tight-lipped about this entire saga. Hrithik Roshan Approached to Play Krishna in Deepika Padukone's Draupadi.
Now Deepika Padukone has rubbished all rumours about Hrithik Roshan playing Lord Krishna in her upcoming flick. She was quoted as saying, “These are mere rumours and I have no clue about who is spreading it. All I know is that the movie Draupadi is still being worked upon. In fact, we haven’t finalised the script of the movie yet. As of now, we are looking for a talented director for the movie. Once the director is finalised, we will move towards the next step,” reports Amar Ujala. But yet, fans are hoping Hrithik would be on-board! Stay tuned for further updates.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 31, 2019 08:28 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website