While Deepika Padukone may or may not change her surname to Bhavnani after marriage, sister Anisha Padukone has changed her name on Instagram already. The doting younger sister who shares a great bond with her darling sister changed her name to 'Ladkiwale' and that's quite a sweet gesture we must say. While the couple's individual fan clubs are busy tagging themselves as 'Ladkiwaale' and 'Ladkewaale', sister Anisha too decided to join the bandwagon and share her enthusiasm with all DP fans. Deepika Padukone Ranveer Singh Wedding: Deepika Breaks Down At Her Engagement And Ranveer Plays A Perfect Partner Consoling His Love.


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The resort is booked only for #deepveerkishaadi . Excited to see their pics. @deepikapadukone @ranveersingh

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Deepika and Ranveer are all set to tie the knot today as per Konkani wedding customs. This ceremony at Lake Como will be followed by another Sindhi tradition as the couple was keen to honour both the customs. While she's a South Indian, he's a Sindhi and their wedding will be a beautiful melange of two different traditions. Their families have left no stone unturned to plan this special day and as many as 12 florists have decorated the wedding venue with the actress' favourite flowers. Deepika Padukone – Ranveer Singh Wedding: The Only Picture From DeepVeer’s Sangeet Ceremony Was Deleted but You Can See It Here.

Reports state that the couple wishes to sell their wedding photos for charity purposes. And chances are pretty high that their exclusive pictures will be revealed in Tings Magazine's upcoming issue. The pretty actress had earlier posed as this London magazine's cover girl for their May edition and she might want to feature with Ranveer once again. Well, all we can say is that the wait to see them as a happily married couple is killing us.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 14, 2018 12:33 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).