Amid the lockdown phase, Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone has proved one thing for sure and it's that she is an avid social media user. From giving her 48.9 million followers on Instagram some movie recommendations to sharing goofy posts, the diva knows how to grab the attention of fans. Well, after sharing her green room shenanigans from Cannes, Padukone now teased one and all with yet another video and it affirms she is crazy. In the boomerang, we see behind the scenes glimpse from her MAMI 2019 days and it's aww-dorable. She captioned the post as, "I have zero recollection of what I was thinking." Deepika Padukone and Kartik Aaryan's Social Media 'Shenanigans' Continue With the Actress' Cannes Throwback Video

The Padmaavat actress literally took us back in time and made us realise how gorgeous she looked in that pink tulle dress, courtesy Giambattista Valli. Treating fans a fashion extravaganza on the weekend, Deepika made many smile on this day. And just like her, even we wonder what's she doing in the mini-clip. Maybe she was happy during the shoot after nailing in the style department. Deepika Padukone Completes #DheemeDheemeChallenge By Kartik Aaryan Right at Mumbai Airport! (Watch Videos)

Check Out Deepika Padukone's Latest Post Below:


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I have zero recollection of what I was thinking...🤔 #happy #weekend

A post shared by Deepika Padukone (@deepikapadukone) on

Also, now looks like we will be seeing BTS posts from Deepika everyday and we are all excited for it. Meanwhile, on the professional front, she will be next seen opposite her real-life hubby Ranveer Singh in '83. Stay tuned!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 06, 2020 07:15 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website