Deepika Padukone’s love for airport fashion continues. The Bollywood diva was once again seen at the airport where she was all smiles for the paparazzi. The woman with dimples flaunted her sartorial choice once again, making the fans fall in love with her choices. So, the Chhapaak actress was seen in a loose white tee, paired with blue denims. She completed this chic look with stylish black leather jacket pulled over her shoulders. Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone Celebrate Padmaavat Anniversary While Shahid Kapoor Royally Snubs It.

However, what we missed here was her signature ‘pap face’ in Alia Bhatt’s words! The Highway actress had complimented DP saying that she wants to borrow that signature pap face from her by which she meant Deepika’s smile and her hair let down while on the airport. This time, she ditched that look and was seen her hair pulled back in a sleek bun and glares on her face. Check out the pics below.

(Photo credits: Yogen Shah)
(Photo credits: Yogen Shah)
(Photo credits: Yogen Shah)
(Photo credits: Yogen Shah)

DP has been totally neck-deep busy in her work. She is right now into some brand endorsements and is killing it abroad. She will be next seen in Meghna Gulzar directed Chhapaak which is based on the real-life story of acid attack survivor, Laxmi Aggarwal. If we go by the reports, she has already started with the prep and this will be the first collab between Deepika and the Raazi director. Expectations are high fom the filmmaker after the milestone movie starring Alia Bhatt-Vicky Kaushal. We are sure that the Bollywood hottie will make complete justice to the story and we can’t wait for the first look already. Speaking of today’s airport look, do you prefer this look or her signature pap look?

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 28, 2019 03:59 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website