Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh's party mode is on since their wedding! The two have been seen grooving and partying their way through the various wedding receptions and bashes. The recent one was that of Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas' third wedding reception. After hosting lavish receptions for their near ones in Delhi and Mumbai, the couple hosted one specially for the Bollywood personalities. Many videos from inside the party crawled on social media but this one where Deepika is fixing Ranveer's outfit is the cutest! Priyanka Chopra Dancing on 'Desi Girl' With Nick Jonas at Their Reception Proves She Can't Get Enough of This Song.
In this video clip, you can see the Simmba star all immersed in dancing on his famous song "Tatad tatad" (Goliyon Ki Rasleela-Ramleela). But his wife, DP, pointed out something to him about his outfit and started fixing it as he patiently waited for her to fix it before getting back to his own self! The video is simply cute and how the fans will be more than happy to watch the newlyweds soaking in the marital bliss!
Watch the video of DeepVeer right here
Apart from this, there were other videos too that got the fans being all excited about the big night. What is the use of this party if it has DP, PeeCee and Ranveer but they do not have a Bajirao Mastani moment? Well, that happened for the delight of their fans! The onscreen Kashibai and Mastani did the hook-steps of "Pinga" and took the fans down the nostalgia ride. They also grooved on "Gallan Goodiyan" (Dil Dhadakne Do) where the on-screen siblings PC and Ranveer danced on it like crazy. Definitely, a night to remember for the filmy people, isn't it?
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 21, 2018 03:36 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website