Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone's wedding has kept the fans damn excited. The Bollywood couple will get hitched on November 14-15 at Lake Como, Italy. While they have already left for the destination, interesting details are popping up though publications. Now, the latest goss is that the duo has insured their D-Day. The Delhi-based state-run non-life insurer, Oriental Insurance Company (OIC) issued this insurance policy. As per the National Herald, the policy has been issued by the name of Ranveer and will cover the venue from November 12 to November 16. Deepika Padukone - Ranveer Singh Wedding: Harshdeep Kaur And Other Musicians To Perform At Their Ceremony - Read Deets.

The insurance will cover things like fire, theft, explosion, aircraft damage, earthquake, water damage, burglary, hold-up, robbery in transit to and fro, flood, storm and typhoon, as reported in the publication. Not only this, but the policy will also reportedly cover riot, strike & malicious damage (RSMD).

Meanwhile, no pictures will be out from the ceremony, if that's what you are expecting this week. The star couple has taken the 'no phone policy' way too seriously. They have arranged a three level of security Villa del Balbianello where the ceremonies will be taking place. The wedding will be attended only by the close family and friends of the actor couple. We are definitely looking forward to the wedding pictures of the Bajirao Mastani couple. What are your thoughts?

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 13, 2018 12:59 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).