Brace yourselves for an exciting jodi that might likely come together in 2019 next year. We are talking about Deepika Padukone and Rajkummar Rao. according to reports online, director Meghna Gulzar is keen on casting Rajkummar in her next based on an acid attack victim. It was earlier confirmed that Dippy will be seen playing the lead role in the film, and now, if these reports are to be believed, Rao will be on-board soon too. A source was quoted by The Asian Age saying, "But the role is substantial and has excited Rao. He has not yet worked with Deepika. A role that drives back home a social message has excited the actor. He did a superb cameo in Raabta which got many people talking especially for his make-up among other things." Even though neither of the actors nor the filmmaker has given a thumbs up on this development, we're hoping and expecting that an official announcement is underway. Here's What Acid Attack Survivor Laxmi Agarwal Has To Say About Deepika Padukone Playing Her In The Biopic.

The year 2018 has been spectacular for Rajkummar who gave a kick-ass performance in Stree. He has been doing some exceptional work and we're more than glad that his work is standing out. As for Deepika, we saw her only in one movie this year earlier in January - Padmaavat. The film did score well at the box office, but it looks like it has been ages since we saw her on the big screen. The actress was all caught up with her shaadi prep all this while and its finally now that she has managed to get some free time. From what we know, hr sabbatical is gonna continue till March until this project directed by Meghna goes on floors. Anyway, how thrilled are you to see Rajkummar and Deepika in a film together?

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 17, 2018 06:10 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website