Salman Khan's next big release after Bharat will be Arbaaz Khan's Dabangg 3 that is slated to hit the screens on December 20, 2019. The sequel to his popular franchise will see the actor locking horns with Kichha Sudeep. The Pailwaan actor plays the baddie in this cop drama and Salman decided to unveil his first look on the auspicious occasion of Dussehra. Since the festival marks the victory of good against the evil, what better day than today to introduce him, right?  Dabangg 3 New Promo: Chulbul Pandey Needs No 'Salman Khan' to Promote His Film! (Watch Video).

"Villain jitna bada ho, usse bhidne mein utna hi mazaa aata hai. Introducing Sudeep Kiccha as Balli in 'Dabangg 3'", tweeted Salman while sharing the actor's first look from his next release. After unveiling the teaser poster of Dabangg with his character of Chulbul Panday in lead, the makers have dropped Sudeep's look and we wonder if Sonakshi Sinha is next. Dabangg 3 Is More Dhamakedar And Entertaining, Hints Arbaaz Khan.

Check out Salman Khan's tweet

Dabangg 3 is a prequel in this franchise. Which means the story goes back in time and will trace the journey of Chulbul Panday before he met Sonakshi. Directed by Prabhudeva, Dabangg 3 is expected to end this year with a bang and we have no doubt about this.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 08, 2019 12:46 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website