On an exotic vacation to beat the lockdown blues, actor Varun Dhawan on Friday posted a breathtaking video of scuba diving in the Maldives. The 33-year-old star shared a mesmerising video on Instagram, in which he is seen enjoying his time doing scuba diving. In the clear blue sea, Varun is seen diving freely into the water along with other people. Bigg Boss 14: Vicky Kaushal To Varun Dhawan, Which Of These Actors Can Fit In Perfectly As Guest Host? VOTE
The 'Coolie no.1' actor is spotted sporting orange coloured shorts, blue and white fitted full-sleeved t-shirt along with fins and other scuba diving equipment. Coolie No 1: Varun Dhawan and Sara Ali Khan’s Comedy Drama to Release on Amazon Prime?
Adding Coldplay's 'Paradise' song in the video, that matches the actual scene in the video, the 'Student Of The Year' actor captioned the post "Paradise does exist on this planet." Earlier this week, the actor shared a post to the photo-sharing platform that showcased Varun's new friend - a rabbit, that he had met during the exotic trip.