Chhichhore Trailer: Sushant Singh Rajput and Shraddha Kapoor Will Get You Nostalgic of Your College Days This Friendship Day (Watch Video)

The trailer of Chhichhore starring Shraddha Kapoor, Sushant Singh Rajput, Varun Sharma among others is here and it is extremely entertaining. The trailer is perfect to have been released on Friendship Day considering it celebrates life-long friendships. Take a look at the trailer inside.

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Chhichhore Trailer: Sushant Singh Rajput and Shraddha Kapoor Will Get You Nostalgic of Your College Days This Friendship Day (Watch Video)
Sushant Singh Rajput, Shraddha Kapoor's Chhicchore poster. (Photo credits: Twitter/PRADIP)

The trailer of Chhichhore starring Sushant Singh Rajput, Shraddha Kapoor, Varun Sharma in lead roles is finally here. We had already seen the amount of fun the team has had while shooting this film and hence were more than excited to catch the trailer soon. The makers have been teasing about the film for a while without giving away any specific deets, and now we know why. After the small glimpses and quirky posters, we finally have the trailer. The film is all set to release on August 30 along with Saaho which means it is going to Shraddha Vs Shraddha. Chhichhore: Sushant Singh Rajput Shares a Fun BTS Video of the Film and It Shows Shraddha Kapoor and Director Nitesh Tiwari in Splits.

The Chhichhore trailer is sure to get you nostalgic about your college days and will remind you of your friends. The story follows the characters of Anni (Sushant Singh Rajput) and Maya (Shraddha Kapoor) meeting in college along with their crazy friends. Varun Sharma brings the biggest laughs in the trailer. The film shows how friends truly stand by each other during thick and thin.

Check out the trailer of the film here:

As reported by DNA, the director was quoted saying, "Chhichhore is a light-hearted tribute to relationships and a large chunk of it revolves around the friendship that is unconditional, unapologetic and timeless. I couldn’t have asked for a better day to show a glimpse of this friendship to the world." The film shows seven friends bonding from 1992 to the current year and the incidents during this journey.

Directed by Nitesh Tiwari, the film is all set to release on August 30. Tell us how you found the trailer of Chhichhore in comments below.


(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 04, 2019 11:20 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

Chhichhore Trailer: Sushant Singh Rajput and Shraddha Kapoor Will Get You Nostalgic of Your College Days This Friendship Day (Watch Video)
Sushant Singh Rajput, Shraddha Kapoor's Chhicchore poster. (Photo credits: Twitter/PRADIP)

The trailer of Chhichhore starring Sushant Singh Rajput, Shraddha Kapoor, Varun Sharma in lead roles is finally here. We had already seen the amount of fun the team has had while shooting this film and hence were more than excited to catch the trailer soon. The makers have been teasing about the film for a while without giving away any specific deets, and now we know why. After the small glimpses and quirky posters, we finally have the trailer. The film is all set to release on August 30 along with Saaho which means it is going to Shraddha Vs Shraddha. Chhichhore: Sushant Singh Rajput Shares a Fun BTS Video of the Film and It Shows Shraddha Kapoor and Director Nitesh Tiwari in Splits.

The Chhichhore trailer is sure to get you nostalgic about your college days and will remind you of your friends. The story follows the characters of Anni (Sushant Singh Rajput) and Maya (Shraddha Kapoor) meeting in college along with their crazy friends. Varun Sharma brings the biggest laughs in the trailer. The film shows how friends truly stand by each other during thick and thin.

Check out the trailer of the film here:

As reported by DNA, the director was quoted saying, "Chhichhore is a light-hearted tribute to relationships and a large chunk of it revolves around the friendship that is unconditional, unapologetic and timeless. I couldn’t have asked for a better day to show a glimpse of this friendship to the world." The film shows seven friends bonding from 1992 to the current year and the incidents during this journey.

Directed by Nitesh Tiwari, the film is all set to release on August 30. Tell us how you found the trailer of Chhichhore in comments below.


(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 04, 2019 11:20 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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