Arjun Kapoor's India's Most Wanted has finally hit the screens today along with Vivek Oberoi's much controversial film PM Narendra Modi. Initially, the former was supposed to arrive in theatres on April 12 but the film was pushed ahead because of the 17th Lok Sabha Elections. Directed by Omung Kumar, the Modi biopic was embroiled in many controversies before its release and it seems that has worked in the favour of the film to a certain extent. Despite garnering not so great reviews from the critics, Vivek starrer witnessed 10 to 15 % occupancy during the morning shows according to India’s Most Wanted Movie Review: Arjun Kapoor’s Spy Drama Lacks Both the Frills and the Thrills
As for Arjun's action thriller, the film made a solid impact on the masses with its powerful trailer but looks like India's Most Wanted will have to pick up the pace over the weekend to ensure a good run at the Indian box office. We say so because the film has got off to a dull start and witnessed much lower occupancy than Modi biopic during the morning shows.
Trade portal reported, "India's Most Wanted and PM Narendra Modi have opened to dull collections with the latter having the edge as India's Most Wanted did not have any morning shows and the film opened post 11 pm. The occupancy is very low for both films but PM Narendra Modi has the lead in terms of collections till 1 pm." PM Narendra Modi Review: Vivek Oberoi's Sincere Performance Makes This One A Crisp Watch!
So going by the early reports, it won't be surprising if the Modi biopic takes a better opening than India's Most Wanted. Though the first-day collection of both the movies will be low, for now, Vivek Oberoi's political drama is definitely ahead in the box office race.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 24, 2019 03:52 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website