The leaked screengrabs of Instagram group 'Bois Locker Room' allegedly initiated by South Delhi teenage boys has shook the nation. The group consisted of derogatory messages regarding along with the talks of 'morphing pictures' and 'gang-raping' girls. The pictures of the group chat went viral attracting nation-wide flak. The identity of these boys is being questioned and searched for and once again, the question of women safety has surfaced. Bollywood actresses Swara Bhasker and Richa Chadha also called out this shameful incident.
Swara pointed out how the toxic behaviour starts at a very young age. She tweeted, "#boyslockerroom a telling tale of how toxic masculinity starts young! Underage boys gleefully planning how to rape & gangrape minor girls. Parents & teachers must address this with those Kids.. Not enough to ‘hang rapists’ .. we must attack the mentality that creates rapists!"
Swara Bhasker's Tweet:
#boyslockerroom a telling tale of how toxic masculinity starts young! Underage boys gleefully planning how to rape & gangrape minor girls. Parents & teachers must address this with those Kids.. Not enough to ‘hang rapists’ .. we must attack the mentality that creates rapists!
— Swara Bhasker (@ReallySwara) May 5, 2020
On the other hand, Richa stated the importance of sex education between the teens. She wrote, "This a multi-faceted problem. Because everyone is still squeamish about sex education in our populous/moralistic country, teenagers are confusing porn for sex education! And now data is free. How dangerous! This will explode in our faces in the next five years sadly,I reckon."
Richa Chadha's Tweet:
This a multi-faceted problem. Because everyone is still squeamish about sex education in our populous/moralistic country, teenagers are confusing porn for sex education! And now data is free. How dangerous! This will explode in our faces in the next five years sadly,I reckon.
— TheRichaChadha (@RichaChadha) May 5, 2020
In the latest development of this now-deleted account controversy, a school boy from an affluent Delhi school has been taken into the custody. Cyber Cell of Delhi Police has seized the mobile of the boy. He also identified 20 other active members of the group.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 05, 2020 04:50 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website