As she ringed in her 31st birthday at home with loved ones, actor Bhumi Pednekar took the moment to express gratitude towards life. nThe 'Pati Patni Aur Woh' actor hopped on to Instagram to share the pictures from her midnight celebrations and penned down a long gratitude note along with them.nIn one of the pictures, that the 'Dum Laga Ke Haisha,' actor is seen gorging on her home-made birthday cake, while on the other one she is seen posing with the cake. Bhumi Pednekar Birthday Special: Five Reasons Why The Young Actress Is A Game Changer
She began the note by expressing thankfulness for the little things in life like being surrounded by people who love and support her. n"As I turn a year older, all I can think of is how fortunate & grateful I am. To be surrounded by such love and support. To have such incredible people in my life. To be able to follow my passion and have a job that I love," she wrote in the caption. Birthday Girl Bhumi Pednekar’s Wish Is A That the World Gets Vaccine for COVID-19, Actress Shares Her Plans for the Day
Check Out Bhumi Pednekar's Instagram Post Below
"To have the love the audiences give me. To be able to give back and work towards making this world a better place. To have the means to protect the ones I love. I am so grateful for everything," she added. nPednekar ended the note by stating how overwhelmed she feels by the love that everyone showers over her. "With everything happening around us,am so so overwhelmed by the love that everyone has shown..Thank you so much #gratitude #thankyou," Pednekar wrote. nAs she turned 31, wishes poured in for the 'Sonchiriya' actor with celebrities, as well as fans, posting birthday greetings for her on social media. (ANI)