Actor Bhupesh Kumar Pandya who has starred in films such as Vicky Donor and Hazaaron Khwahishen Aisi among others has been diagnosed with metastatic carcinoma of lungs, stage IV cancer. The actor's wife had confirmed the news whilst speaking to TOI informed that he is undergoing treatment at Apollo Hospital of Ahmedabad. The actor has been a known name in the industry and now his NSD batchmates, as well as fellow actors, are raising financial help for Kumar's treatment. Rapper Raftaar to Raise Funds for Background Dancers During COVID-19 Lockdown, Here’s How.
Kumar who travelled to his hometown amid lockdown was discharged from the hospital on Sunday (September 13) and will again be admitted on September 21 for further treatment. His wife Chhaya Pandya whilst speaking to TOI revealed that the family have used up most of their funds for the first cycle of his treatment.
So far, Rajasthan State government has contributed Rs2 lakh from the Chief Minister fund for the actor’s treatment. Also, Bhupesh’s other NSD batchmates, are also trying to raise money. Actor Rajesh Tailang also took to Twitter to share a post asking fellow actors to help out, he wrote, "Our dear friend, a fantastic actor Bhupesh Kumar Pandya is fighting a hard battle with Cancer. He needs our support urgently. Please click this and do your bit. Thanks!"Sonu Sood Comes Forward to Help the Families of 350 Boatmen in Flood-Hit Varanasi.
Check Out Rajesh Tailang's Post Here:
Our dear friend, a fantastic actor Bhupesh Kumar Pandya is fighting a hard battle with Cancer. He needs our support urgently. Please click this and do your bit. Thanks!
— Rajesh Tailang (@rajeshtailang) September 19, 2020
Bigg Boss 10 winner, Manveer Gurjar also took to Twitter to seek help for Pandya. He also tagged Sonu Sood in his tweet, since the Bollywood actor has been providing help to many amid the coronavirus crisis.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 19, 2020 11:41 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website