After struggling to maintain a good run on weekdays, Ali Abbas Zafar's Bharat fared well over the second Saturday and even witnessed slight growth in its collection. The period drama which is Salman Khan's sixth outing with Katrina Kaif released in theatres on June 5 and earned a whopping Rs 42.30 crore on day 1. With that, the film became the biggest Bollywood opener of 2019 and also Salman's biggest opener ever. After faring brilliantly in the first five days, Bharat slowed down on the first Monday and then the collections kept dipping further with each passing day. However, yesterday the movie once again picked up the pace at the ticket windows and raked in a good amount of moolah. Bharat Box Office Collection Day 10: Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif and Sunil Grover's Film Falls Flat on Second Friday
According to BollywoodHungama, Salman and Katrina starrer clocked in Rs 5.80 crore on day 12, bringing its total box office collection to Rs 188.65 crore in India. If Bharat manages to do around the same business today as well then it will comfortably enter the Rs 200 crore club by Monday or Tuesday.
However, it will be tough for the movie to draw the audience to the cinema halls as team India will be taking on Pakistan for the first time in the ongoing cricket world cup. The match will kick off in the afternoon and that will certainly affect the film's afternoon and evening shows. Bharat Box Office Collection Day 9: Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif's Action Drama Fares Well in its Extended Week 1
Further, has reported, "The should film should be doing at least 8 crore nett on Sunday for an 18 crore nett second weekend but it remains to be seen where the numbers land up on Sunday. The film is doing the best business in Delhi / UP which is at 40 crore nett plus in eleven days. Mumbai has hit 50 crore nett but it should be doing better."
Co-produced by Khan himself, Bharat is a remake of South Korean blockbuster Ode to My Father and also stars Disha Patani, Sonali Kulkarni, Jackie Shroff, Nora Fatehi and Tabu in guest roles.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 16, 2019 01:47 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website