Manoj Bajpayee's talents are beyond amazing when it comes to acting but now the actor's also showing his singing talents. The actor recently launched Bhojpuri rap song, the video of which has been directed by Anubhav Sinha. The foot-tapping Bhojpuri track rapped by Bajpayee is a tribute to the migrant workers who work in Mumbai. The track was shared by Bajpayee on his Twitter account as he wrote, " "Presenting you the most awaited janta ke bhapur maang par with love. We have to say the track is not only amazing with its lyrics but also has Manoj Bajpayee completely impressing us with his cool vibe. Manav Gohil Wishes to Work with Manoj Bajpayee, Says ‘It Will Be a Dream Come True to Share the Screen with Him’.

The track has been penned by Dr Sagar and the music has been composed by Anurag Saikia. Bajpayee and filmmaker Anubhav Sinha have been known to be close friends and hence this collaboration is even more special. The song has received a lot of love for online for its lyrics as well as the creative genius of both Bajpayee and Anubhav Sinha. Taapsee Pannu comment on this video wrote, "Seen it thrice n now I’m gonna be humming it for a few days unintentionally. How cool this sounds. I think make a few more. I think we can manage to address a few more topics easily Smiling face with open mouth. ka baa?" Also director Hansal Mehta was all praises for it. Anubhav Sinha ‘Resigns’ From Bollywood, Changes His Twitter Name With a Belief That He Belongs to the Indian Cinema (View Tweets).

Check Out the Video Here:

The lyrics highlight the plight of migrant workers, who leave everything to work in a city like Mumbai. Given the recent pandemic crisis and how it affected the livelihood of migrant workers the most, the song is a great way to spread awareness about the lives migrant workers lead and why their situation has been disheartening.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 09, 2020 03:56 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website