After delivering a hit in the form of Pink, Amitabh Bachchan and Taapsee Pannu have come together once again for Sujoy Ghosh's suspense thriller Badla. Releasing tomorrow, March 8, the film has got everyone excited courtesy the two main actors. Apart from that, the trailer of the film was also appreciated by every one of social media and the fact that the film is helmed by Ghosh is another reason why Badla has managed to garner good pre-release buzz. The suspense thriller, which is loosely based on the Spanish film The Invisible Guest, has all the ingredients of a successful film - two terrific actors, one supremely talented director, good story and even good music. Badla: 5 Spanish Thrillers That We Want to See Being Remade in Bollywood After Amitabh Bachchan and Taapsee Pannu’s Film.

But will this help in getting cash registers ringing? Will Badla open well at the box office? Will it storm the ticket windows? Well, according to trade pundits the film will do well once the positive word of mouth comes into play. Unlike Total Dhamaal, Badla doesn't have a very wide audience target. It's a multiplex movie that will attract the urban, young audience who are akin to watching well-made thrillers.

So expecting a big opening wouldn't be fair. Reportedly, trade experts have said that Badla will rake in between Rs 3 - 4 crore on its first day. However, if the film impresses the audience then it's likely to end up with a good figure despite its niche genre. The success of Pink will also come into play as everyone who loved Senior Bachchan and Taapsee in the film would come and watch this one as well. Badla Trailer: Memes Made Out Amitabh Bachchan and Taapsee Pannu’s Dialogues Are Ruling Social Media Right Now! Read Tweets.

However, it's hard to predict how far this film will go in the box office race. Even Pink, which was praised by critics and the audience alike, made Rs 68 crore at the Indian box office. The courtroom drama didn't enter the Rs 100 crore even at the worldwide box office. So if Badla does the same business then it would be great for the makers and everyone involved in the project from the monetary point of view.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 07, 2019 07:46 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website