Varun Dhawan fans are in for a treat this year with the Bollywood star's back-to-back projects. Jio Studios unveiled the highly awaited trailer for his upcoming film, Baby John, co-starring Keerthy Suresh and Jackie Shroff, on Monday, December 9. Amid peak excitement for the film, the newly released trailer offers a sneak peek into the action-packed entertainer. Varun Dhawan plays a cop in Baby John and will be seen in a totally different avatar. The movie is directed by Kaless. ‘Baby John’ Trailer: Varun Dhawan Brings Out His Action Mode as a Fearless Cop in This High-Octane Hindi Remake of ‘Theri’ Co-Starring Keerthy Suresh and Jackie Shroff (Watch Video).

Varun Dhawan's ‘Baby John’ Trailer Out

The three-minute six-second trailer of Baby John gives us a glimpse at the life of Baby John, whose real identity is that of a cop named Satya VermaWe see that Varun Dhawan's character, Baby, who is a chef, enjoys a happy life with his little daughter in Kerala. We also get a glimpse of past events in his life, where he plays a dashing cop and romances Keerthy Suresh. However, his life as a cop becomes an ultimate threat to him and his loved ones after he crosses paths with Jackie Shroff.

Watch the Trailer of ‘Baby John’:

As soon as the trailer was released online, netizens took to X (formerly Twitter) to share their honest opinions about Baby John. Most were surprised at how easily Varun Dhawan pulled off the dual avatars - as a single father and in an action role. On the other hand, Salman Khan's appearance at the end of the trailer blew the netizens away. ‘Baby John’ Song ‘Pikley Pom’: Varun Dhawan Shines as a Loving Father in Heartwarming Track (Watch Video).

Netizens React to ‘Baby John’ Trailer

Varun Dhawan in His ‘Massiest Avatar’?

Salman Khan’s Appearance Being the Highlight of the Trailer

User Shares Excitement Over Varun Dhawan’s New Avatar

‘Dhamakedar Trailer!’

Apart from Varun Dhawan, Keerthy Suresh and Jackie Shroff, Baby John also features Wamiqa Gabbi, Sanya Malhotra and Rajpal Yadav in key roles. The movie is a remake of Thalapathy Vijay and Samantha Ruth Prabhu's 2018 hit Tamil film, Theri. Produced by Atlee's A for Apple Studios and Cine 1 Studios, the movie is scheduled for a theatrical release on Christmas, December 25, 2024

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 09, 2024 07:04 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website