We recently saw Akshay Kumar's bald avatar as Bala in his upcoming movie Housefull 4. Coincidentally, actor Ayushmann Khurrana will be playing the role of a man suffering from premature balding, called Bala in his upcoming film Bala. After Akshay Kumar released a teaser of the upcoming song from Housefull 4 titled, "Shaitan Ka Saala", Khurrana took to social media to give this track a twist. Shaitan Ka Saala Teaser: Akshay Kumar's Bala Turns Into 14th Century Raavan in This Upcoming Housefull 4 Song.

In the Housefull 4 song, we see Akshay Kumar in his 1419 character, Bala as he dances to the track where he is introduced as the 14th century Raavan. The track has a chorus which says "Bala" along with techno beats and hence Ayushmann thought it was a good opportunity for his Bala character to dance to it too. The actor shared an amazing video on Twitter where he is seen in his balding avatar and is dancing to the Housefull 4 song. Sharing the video, he wrote, "Bala ko pukara #Bala aa gaya! Best of luck @akshaykumar sir. Hum bhi jald aa rahe hain."

Watch Ayushmann Khurrana's Post Here:

Ayushmann Khurrana's energy is simply superb in the video. We are sure Akshay will have a hilarious response to it soon. It surely is going to be tough for the audiences to pick between these two 'Balas' considering both are about to bring some interesting stories to the silver screen soon. While Housefull 4 is a reincarnation comedy-drama, Ayushmann's film comes with a deeper message on pre-mature balding and the image of masculinity.

Housefull 4 is all set to release on October 26 and will be the big Diwali release this year. Ayushmann Khurrana's Bala is slated to release on November 22.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 07, 2019 04:55 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).