Actor Suniel Shetty celebrates his birthday on August 11 and as he turns 59, wishes have been flowing in for the star on social media. Fans and well-wishers of the Bollywood actor have been sending him heartfelt messages to celebrate his birthday but the sweetest wish certainly came from his daughter Athiya Shetty. Taking to Instagram, Athiya wished her father with an amazing message and also shared a few childhood throwbacks with the same. The Motichoor Chaknachoor star also posted an old video where Suniel Shetty is seen dancing with her. Suniel Shetty Birthday Special: 5 Lesser Known Facts About The Actor We Bet You Don't Know.
Sharing a childhood picture and a home video from her childhood days, Athiya in her message wished her father and her 'bestest friend'. She wrote, "to my wisest teacher, greatest protector, toughest workout buddy and my bestest friend, happy birthday! love you papa, nobody can match the size of your heart. @suniel.shetty." We have to say Athiya's birthday wish for dad is truly special. The post received a lot love from Athiya's industry friends such as Diva Dhawan and Anaita Adajania Shroff who commented with heart emojis. Shahid Kapoor and Jackie Shroff Are the Best-Dressed Men, Says Suniel Shetty.
Check Out Athiya Shetty's Post Here:
Suniel Shetty has had a career spanning more than 25 years and has acted in more than 110 films. The actor was recently seen in Kannada film Pailwaan, Rajinikanth's Darbar and more. It looks like Shetty has been focussing on his South career more. He also has Telugu film Mosagallu in the pipeline.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 11, 2020 12:33 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website