Actor Armaan Jain is all set to tie the knot with his long time girlfriend and later on fiance Anissa Malhotra soon. The pair, who got engaged last year on July 31, 2019, held their mehendi ceremony on February 1, 2020, in Mumbai and it was a star-studded affair with names like Tara Sutaria who is dating Armaan's younger brother Aadar Jain, cousin Karisma Kapoor, Anil Amnabi, Shweta Bachchan, Babita Kapoor, Rajeev Kapoor, Randhir Kapoor among others. However, Armaan's cousin Ranbir Kapoor and girlfriend Alia Bhatt were missed as the pair rushed to Delhi on hearing of Rishi Kapoor's ill health and subsequent hospitalisation in the capital. Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt's Brahmastra To Release on December 4, Amitabh Bachchan Says Ayan Mukerji Can't Change The Date Now.
In an interview with HELLO! India, Armaan and Anissa opened up about their relationship and the laddy fessed up, "From the day we met, we never thought of dating anyone else. There were some small fights, and we used to get pissed at each other, but we have never broken up till date – not even for a day or a week. And that’s very important in a long-term relationship." Kareena Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan, Tara Sutaria, Kiara Advani and Others Deck Up For Armaan Jain-Anissa Malhotra's Roka Ceremony (View Pics).
Take A Look At All The Fun That Took Place At The Pair's Mehendi Festivities:
A Close Up Of Bride Anissa Malhotra:
Karishma Arrives With Mom Babita Kapoor:
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#karishmakapoor #babitakapoor at @therealarmaanjain 's marriage's mahendi function. #yogenshah
'Taimur Ke Dada' Randhir Kapoor Arrives:
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Anil Ambani:
Karisma Kapoor With The Groom Armaan Jain:
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Love our Indian traditions 💛🌟🙏🏼 #mehendi #familywedding #familyfestivities
Tara Sutaria With The Jain Family:
In their interview with the magazine in its January issue, Armaan and Anissa were all npraises for Rima Jain. Armaan confessed that he had taken his mother's help in picking up the rock for his ladylove, "Initially, I kept asking her and her friends about her choice of diamond, but by the end of it I was just getting more confused. So, eventually, I went to mom and she helped me." Anissa too, all praises for her soon-to-be mother-in-law revealed, "Armaan’s mom is full of love. I’ve never met anyone who just envelops people with her warmth. During our wedding meetings, she has these crazy one liners that are insane. It has everyone in splits." Well, Congratulations Armaan and Anissa.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 02, 2020 06:39 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website