Bollywood actor Arjun Rampal on Monday appeared before the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) at its office in Mumbai for questioning in connection with a drug-related case. Earlier, Rampal had sought time till December 21 to appear before the NCB. He was summoned by the anti-drug agency to appear before it on December 16. Bollywood Drug Probe: Arjun Rampal Squashes Rumours Of Being Out Of Country; Calls News Channels ‘Travel Agents’

Notably, Arjun Rampal was questioned by the NCB on November 13 in the matter. NCB officials had on November 9 conducted a raid at the residence of Arjun Rampal and seized some electronic gadgets. Bollywood Drug Probe: Arjun Rampal Seeks Time Till December 21 to Appear Before NCB

Rampal's girlfriend Gabriella Demetriades was later questioned for six hours on the same day.