As we know, Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor, who made his debut with the film Ishaqzaade, will be playing the lead role in Raj Kumar Gupta's India's Most Wanted. The actor, who has started shooting for his 12th film, has wrapped up the first schedule in Mumbai and recently, zoomed off to Nepal for the second schedule. Reports suggest that Arjun has even shot for a few portions for the film. In a statement to DNA, a source present on the sets, said, "It’s an Arjun show all the way. He has already shot for a few portions, some of them being okayed in a single take. Director Rajkumar Gupta is extremely happy with the way he’s envisaged the role."
However, we also learnt that Arjun was not the first choice of Raj Kumar Gupta's India's Most Wanted. Reportedly, the filmmaker was originally planning the film with Sidharth Malhotra. That’s not all. Earlier, the film was a hero versus villain story, where the main antagonist had a full-fledged role. However, that part too has been reduced now. The source told the daily, "The villain’s role is still as menacing, but the length has been shortened a bit."
Reports also suggested that unlike most films, the lead actor will not have a leading lady in the film. Yes, you read that right. Arjun will not have anyone playing his love interest in the film. The source further added, "Raj didn’t want to divert anyone’s attention from the storytelling and his narrative is gritty, hard-hitting and didn’t require a romantic angle at all." Helmed by Raj Kumar Gupta, India's Most Wanted is slated to release in May 2019.
On the personal front, Arjun has been rumoured to be dating Salman Khan's former sister-in-law Malaika Arora. If recent reports are to be believed, the duo is all set to go public with their relationship. A report in Deccan Chronicle quoted a source (close to the couple) as saying, "Malaika is no longer keen to hide her proximity to Arjun. When she was with Arbaaz, the Khan family, especially Salman, made their disapproval very clear. But now that she has broken away from Arbaaz, she sees no reason to be coy about her closeness to Arjun. Besides, Arbaaz is also seeing someone else now."
Meanwhile, on the professional front, Arjun Kapoor has a very busy year ahead of him with four films lined up in his kitty. The actor will be next seen with Parineeti Chopra in 'Namastey England'. Apart from this, he is lined up with Ashutosh Gowariker’s period drama titled ‘Panipat’, where he will be seen playing the role of Maratha warrior Sadashivrao Bhau in the film. Bankrolled by Sunita Gowariker and Rohit Shelatkar, the film is scheduled to hit the screens on December 6, 2019. Arjun will also be seen in Dibakar Banerjee's Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar, opposite Parineeti. Watch this space for further updates.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 30, 2018 10:53 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website