Bollywood actor, Varun Dhawan celebrates his 33rd birthday on April 24, 2020, and must say he is one of the most hard-working actors we have in the tinsel town. Over the years, the Student of the Year star has managed to garner fame for being a terrific actor as well as a down to earth guy. While many B-townies have already started wishing Varun on the big day, Arjun Kapoor's wish for the actor needs a special mention as it's a throwback from his archives and it's cute too. As the 2 States actor wished the birthday boy in quite a unique way. Varun Dhawan Poses With A Heart-Shaped Cake As He Celebrates His 33rd Birthday With Family Amid Lockdown (View Pic).
Taking to Instagram, Arjun posted an 'old is gold' picture wherein we can see him along with Varun from their young days. In the post, Kapoor has given some fun names to Dhawan and we bet it will surely bring a smile on your face. From calling Varun a content maker par excellence, rapper and a natkhat balak, Kapoor has revealed a lot about Dhawan's personality while wishing him. We are loving this unconventional route of Arjun to wish Varun.Will Smith is One of Arjun Kapoor's 'Boys' in This Throwback Picture that The Actor Shares From His 'Fine Physical Specimen' Days!