Actor Sanjay Kapoor’s wife Maheep celebrated her birthday on April 28. A grand bash was hosted at their Juhu residence and the evening soon turned a starry event, as many Bollywood celebrities attended the birthday celebrations. Among other celebs such as the Bachchan family, Karan Johar, Preity Zinta, a couple that stood out and caught our attention was Arjun Kapoor-Malaika Arora. Arjun and Malaika attended the party together. While the gorgeous lady looked ravishing in a neon dress, Arjun looked handsome in casual black and grey. Arjun Kapoor Admits Malaika Arora is Special to Him But they Are Not Getting Married.
The 2 States actor was seen escorting his girlfriend to the car. The pictures from the birthday bash soon circulated the internet and the picture-perfect couple looks great together.
Here are some of the pictures:
Malaika Arora at Maheep Kapoor's birthday bash:
Arjun Kapoor arrives at Maheep's birthday party:
Malaika Kapoor looks pretty in neon:
Arjun escorts Malaika to the car:
The rumours of their wedding have been storming the internet. Although the couple has not publicly accepted or denied dating each other, they have been spotted together in many public events and exotic vacations. Arjun Kapoor Gets Furious With Photographers as they Block Malaika Arora's Way.
On the work front, Arjun Kapoor is gearing up for his epic period drama Panipat. Helmed by Ashutosh Gowarikar, the movie also stars Sanjay Dutt and Kriti Sanon in lead roles. Apart from that, Arjun’s India’s Most Wanted to is all set to hit the theatres on May 24, 2019.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 29, 2019 10:34 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website