Anushka Sharma and Varun Dhawan's upcoming film Sui Dhaaga has been on everyone's mind. The trailer, performances in the trailer and the songs are enough to keep up the spark amongst the fans. The trailer even pushed some creative minds to create memes on Anushka's character 'Mamta'. Now, a fan made a poster on Mamta and Mauji and guess what! Anushka herself has liked it and posted the same on her social media.

In the poster we can see a sketch like image of Mamta aka Anushka with a charkha above. Also, there are too many Maujis aka Varun hovering over her smiling face. Below is the theme and the title of the film 'Sui Dhaaga- Made in India'. The actress turned producer appreciated the effort by the fan in her dialogue from the film, "Waah yeh fan made poster - bohat hi "badiya hai." Sui Dhaaga Song Khatar Patar: Varun Dhawan and Anushka Sharma's Collective Effort For Their Brand Looks Endearing

Check out the poster here

She even took all the memes made on her sportingly. Talking to Deccan Chronicle, she earlier said, "It's not a big thing that I am taking it sportingly. It's genuinely, extremely funny. Also, people are spending so much time in making these things. I feel today the generation that we are living in it's about memes. Everything becomes a meme. But to happen on this scale I think is nonparallel and I think it's a huge compliment."

Well, now that the diva is appreciating the work done by fans herself, it might give a boost to the creative minds even more. If you too have made a poster with your own creativity, then you might want to show it to her now!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 09, 2018 08:47 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website