Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma was snapped at the Mumbai airport recently where she wore a black top and teamed it up with a pair of comfy green pants. Twitterati cannot get over those pictures of Anushka simply because she is wearing hubby Virat Kohli's black tee! Tweeples somehow managed to notice that the actress was sporting Virat's gym tee and pulled it off like a boss! This isn't the first time when Anushka has stepped out wearing Virat's clothes. A couple of months back too, something similar happened, and netizens were quick enough to notice that. Here's how Twitter has reacted so far.
First check out the picture:
And here are the reactions on the micro-bogging site:
She again did it 😂😂😂#virushka are goals 😂😂
— . (@grumpy__soul) April 23, 2018
Another one!
And she does it yet again! 😉💚 #Virushka @AnushkaSharma @imVkohli
— Mrs Nags 💥🌸🌈🥀🦋💖🍁☄️ (@jugheadjasoos) April 24, 2018
And the trend continues.....
Sharing is Caring#Virushka #RelationshipGoal ❤️❤️
— reema (@deepikareema) April 23, 2018
In other news, Anushka Sharma, who is all set to turn 30 on May 1, is going on a break in the next few days. The actress will go to Bangalore, where she will ring in her birthday with hubby Virat Kohli. A source informed a leading daily, ''Anushka and Virat hardly get time with each other, given their packed schedules. So they decided to make the most of her birthday. Anushka will fly down to Bangalore on April 24 to spend some quality time with Virat. After spending a week or so in Bangalore, she will fly to the US for a one-and-a-half month-long schedule of Zero.''
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 25, 2018 09:48 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website